For many people, the moment they enter the workforce marks the end of their formal educational journey.
For many people, the moment they enter the workforce marks the end of their formal educational journey. At that point, it has been a while since they received their high school qualifications, and they have likely completed some form of higher education, such as a skills-based professional programme or university degree. Now, their days are filled with earning a living, instead of pursuing further knowledge.
But that doesn't mean their thirst for personal development has dried up. In fact, using education as a motivational tool in the workplace is a fantastic way to bolster people's sense of self-worth and loyalty. That's what we call a win-win! Not only are there different approaches to educating your employees, but each one has a surprising number of benefits for both parties. Here's why your workplace needs education-based rewards.
1. Higher retention rates
A recent study of 2,000 employees and business leaders conducted in the UK revealed that workers are more likely to stay loyal to their employer if they have development opportunities at work.
If you want to keep your workers happy in their current positions, it's easy to tailor educational rewards to your company's mission, or even to certain departments. For example, you can set up an exciting training session on social media photography for the marketing department, or an offsite training retreat for the HR team with a nice catered lunch: adding a few frills to these educational opportunities is an extra-special touch.
2. Feeling valued
People want to invest their time in a company that also invests in them. By going the extra mile and recognizing that people's desire to learn, grow, and develop doesn't stop once they enter the workforce, you're proving to them that you understand their needs and value their happiness in all areas of life.
3. Increased self-esteem
The pursuit and attainment of self-confidence is a decades-long journey for many, and few things are as life-affirming as learning something new. Whether it's taking up an instrument or adding to one's professional toolkit, skill development can do wonders for self-image and people who feel confident in their abilities do genuinely great work!
Aside from providing excellent conversation fodder for an upcoming dinner party, educational opportunities in the workplace help employees prove a simple yet deeply empowering fact to themselves: that they are capable of personal growth, and can achieve great things when they set their mind to it.
4. Proof of forward-thinking attitude
One of the biggest red flags a company can wave in front of its employees is an inability to look towards the future. Making sure your organization is up-to-date with the latest approaches and technologies comes part and parcel with educating your team about these evolving topics. It's also vital for signaling that you see a future with your current team members, and want them to grow along with you (as opposed to away from you).
Forward-thinking employers should include educational opportunities among their list of rewards and incentives to demonstrate a solid understanding of what it means to have a long-term vision. Companies who fail to do so may begin to see their employees jumping ship in favor of opportunities they feel will stand the test of time.
Building an attractive employee rewards and recognition programme starts with understanding what makes your workers tick, and when it comes to educational opportunities, there is truly something for everyone. With Power2Motivate, you can offer your teams a chance to thrive in ways that will foster loyalty, self-esteem, and a bright outlook on the future, both personally and as a part of your company. Trust the experts to help you craft the best incentive programme for your needs: contact us today!