Millennials are already a huge part of our workforce - understanding how to properly motivate them is crucial to success. Learn how to do it here!
For many years now there has been a huge misconception regarding the newest addition to the workforce: millennials. This generation has gotten a bad rap for being lazy, entitled and disloyal. It's important to note right up front, however, that this is simply not an accurate description of the group. Many that believe this to be true likely are not nurturing these young employees properly.
The fact of the matter is millennials can be an invaluable resource to your company, as this generation is the driving force of innovation that changes how the world does business. If you are struggling to hold on to millennials in your office, read up on why this might be and how you can fix it.
So you think millennials are lazy, entitled and disloyal?
Here's the thing about millennials that usually trips people up: they want to feel valued. Millennials are extremely hard workers - just like any other age group - so long as they feel like they are seen as an asset to the company. Here, employers need to understand that they tread a fine line between hand-holding and mentoring. New employees appreciate having someone who is helping with their professional growth. This doesn't mean they want someone to show them how to do the job step by step, but rather they want a mentor who encourages them to become their own businessperson.
Millennials want to feel like their ideas matter and that they are contributing to their company. When millennials aren't getting the motivation they need, this is when they jump ship, which most perceive as disloyalty. But if there's another company ready to properly take them under their wing, that's where your employees will go. What's the easiest way to motivate millennials to keep them around? Read on.
"Once you learn what makes millennials tick, you'll have no problem keeping them around."
Motivating millennials to make them feel valued
It's quite simple - in order to make your employees feel valued in your company, you need to supply them with rewards. They want their hard work to be celebrated with instant gratification. The days of waiting for a title change or a promotion are over, you need to continuously motivate millennials' successes to get them to the next step. Your company will benefit from having mentors as opposed to managers, who are there to encourage their professional development. As long as millennials feel like they are constantly learning something new, they don't necessarily need to be promoted right away.
Positive feedback from clients or going above and beyond on the job are both things that should be immediately acknowledged. However, mentors can help them reach these accomplishments by giving frequent feedback and setting regular meetings to discuss goals. Millennials need to be constantly be working towards something and meeting regularly is the perfect way to do this without making them feel as if their superiors are hovering over them.
Shout outs on a company wide email are nice, but a tangible rewards programme help motivate good behaviour better. Acknowledging your employees' dedication to your company eradicates any feeling of laziness, entitlement or disloyalty because it's a not-so-subtle way to celebrate their value. The trick is coming up with the right incentives that are in line with your company's mission and values. Power2Motivate supplies your company with access to some of the most amazing rewards across the globe, just check them out.
If you want to learn how you can better implement a rewards programme into your company, contact the experts at Power2Motivate today!